What happens on the edge of the chaos stays on the edge of the chaos

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Three years later....

Yeah right. I left Sweden over 3 years ago, lived in California during that time, and how many blog posts have emerged? None! 0! Zilch! Zip!

So... predictable... and tireing. But do I give up? If I did I could hardly count my self as a proud member of Homo Sapiens species - we NEVER give up. So, here I come back again. This time the subject is somewhat changed. After all, I didn't throw away all that time I spent in US of A into nothing - I came to some very important philosophical conclusions. These conclusions have pushed me towards studying the complexity and chaos theories as a possible way to unify all those island of thought that I was harboring before. So, the contents of the blog from now on will be my thoughts and struggles with complexity, emergence, artificial life, artificial inteligence (although I really don't care to much for AA in its current form), some game theory, lot of evolutionary thought, all spiced and garnished with some personal thoughts, stories and anectodes.

And, to put you into the right perspective: I'm still in the States, but only for one month more. I've bougth the ticket to go home to Sweden. And... I've been accepted to GU/Chalmers master program in Complex Adaptive Systems. The future is uncertain and interesting. But isn't that what makes the life interesting? Funny, 3 years ago I was much more convinced that it was the truth! :-) I might be getting old too (31 in November).

So... let go, and give it another try. Who's with me? You get a cookie for every comment you make! Come on now! :-)


Unknown said...

Haha, you're one frequent blogger!

Jaca said...

Keep on blogging...we want to know all about complexity systems :) And now, give me my cookie!!!

Vanja said...

You're my cookie! :-)

