What happens on the edge of the chaos stays on the edge of the chaos

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

How to build an discussion forum

I spoke to Aner at lunch today, and he had a good idea. He wanted to build a system of rules that would moderate and lie as a ground to all future discussions. I agreed with him that it would be a great thing to have, but said that maybe the right way to go would be to define a forum by discussing and not before the discussion it self.

However, students were miserable and lunch was 2 chicked drums and 3 kilos potato. And we talked about zen and becoming free and about being chicken again.´

Let's see if this blog can be a place to put things in writing and develop a framework where interesting discussions can take place.



Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

You little blogger! Oh, well, lets try this.

Lets get back to those chicken drums you mentioned. While I was eating I noticed very early that three kilos of potato was going to last a lot longer that two chicken drums. This immediately put me in a tempting position to either go by more chicken drums or ask the serving lady what the hell I was going to do with 2.8kg of potato.

I was unhappy! Who could have thought that two chicken drums and 3kg potato could cause unhappines? And on top of it, I paid for it!

Thus I tried to enjoy my chicken drums while they lasted and not thing about the future. It is in the moment that one can find happines. Two chicken drums later I felt quite satisfied and didn't care about the rest of the potato. Since I wasn't entirely filled, we wen't for fika (sorry non-sweeds) at Prego (a.k.a. Cafe Zero) and I found this very pleasurable.

All in all, exciting lunch. It is not every day that one can learn to appreciate patience from two chicken drums and 3kg potato.

Vanja said...

Oh man! Very interesting answer!

Amongs all other way to divide people in groups, I have this way:

1. People who first eat middle (the best part) of the pizza
2. People who first eat the corners, and leave the middle enjoy it last

I belong to the second group. I eat corners first to spred out the pleasure evenly over the meal, in the beginning, when I'm most hungry, I eat the least enjoyable part, and vice versa.

The same thing with the potato, I ate it first, and I finished with the drumsticks, and I enjoyed eavenly during the lunch, and I was content afterwards.

Is this the right tactics for the rest of the life? Maybe. I have noticed however, that when I feel really really happy, I start feeling little bit disturbed by my happiness, and I wish I could feel less happy at the time, so I could feel more happy some other time.


